Of sik

Pictured: James Fisher, declared missing last Tuesday.

Police are on the lookout for James Fisher (21), who has not been seen by his family or colleagues since last month. Several of his friends have voiced their concerns that he is the latest in a series of victims of the "of sik" phenomena, but no evidence for this theory has emerged. His family say he was energetic and was interested in sports and video games in equal measure. If anyone has any information about James' potential whereabouts they are urged to contact Crime Stoppers.

In 2006, the first of the Of Sik Incidents was recorded. It was the cold and flu season at the time, and a 4chan user who remains unidentified to this day posted an image of a CD with the words "sovvy et rusher adventures". The text that accompanied the image claimed that the user would like to sell the CD because it was very rare. Many of the responses were along the lines of "lol cuck no" but one person expressed his interest in purchasing the disc. It is unknown how the transaction was organised.
No-one was quite sure if the disc had actually been purchased until a few months later when the then only mildly successful YouTuber JonTronShow announced that it was him who had bought the game, and he was going to stream it on his channel. One month later, he started a YouTube livestream of the game. No copy of the stream has surfaced, so a description has been pieced together from the few of his viewers who were not affected by the global mind wipe performed by the US government after the stream.
The livestream started with 10 minutes of odd, vaguely unsettling noises. An analysis of the recording has shown that these sounds were actually the JonTron theme slowed down and played in reverse. After this, Jon came on the stream. There was a face cam in the corner and Jon's face was covered in blood and he was smiling. Jon said "Hello guys, welcome to JonTronShow. Today we're going to be playing sovvy et rusher adventures." The stream cut to static and evil laughing and then ended.
Jon's channel had no activity for the next year, except for changing all of his channel details to the text "of sik". When Jon did come back, he undid these actions and to this day he still acts as though he doesn't remember a thing about the game.
James Fisher was an intelligent young man who everyone liked. He would often hang out with his friends and play a variety of sports, and when he was finished, he always kicked back and enjoyed a video game. One day, James' mother got a package in the mail that was addressed to James. He explained that he had ordered it on eBay. He took the package and went into his room... and was never seen again. After a week, his mother went into his room. His computer was off and he was nowhere to be seen. She turned on his computer; it hadn't been used all week. She looked at his Skype profile.
His mood was set to "of sik".